Friday, August 10, 2012

It's been far too long.

  It's been way too long since I've last blogged. It's such a great outlet and lets me relieve some stress. I do have a few on draft, but I'm being a perfectionist and can't quite seem to finish them. I had quite a few days to think about what to blog about this time around. I was horribly sick with a kidney infection so I was in bed for days feeling like I was going to die! Craig- my wonderful husband, helped out so much! I'm so lucky to have him as my husband. I don't think either him or Chester minded that I was resting up those few days because they had a great chance to bond.
  So while I was in bed I realized that so many people just want to put Chester in front of the television to keep him quiet. He's recently learned how to crawl and stand up so he's quite mobile. Could you imagine being strapped in a chair and watch the same thing three times over? That's almost four hours of the same movie back to back to back. I would rather shove a fork in my eye. Now I don't mind Chester having a little television time because he does enjoy some Yo Gabba Gabba and Lion King. However, I don't want him sitting in front of the television for hours upon hours when he could be crawling around learning. We like to take walks and that lets him see the outside world and soak it in.
  Now I understand that not everyone can calm Chester the way we (his parents) can. Sometimes he just wants a hug from Mommy or Daddy or snuggles. Once a week we go out on a date night and he goes to see his grandmother, I send Lion King with him because I know if he gets extremely fussy and refuses to eat, it will calm him down. I have no issues there, I make sure he doesn't get any other television time on those days so he's not overloaded. It just amazes me at how many people use television to calm children down like pacifiers are used. I don't want Chester to be one of those children who depend on something to calm him down like that. I like that he can find other ways to calm down, even if it is to nurse, snuggle or just be held by whomever. It also bothers me when people try to force him to have something he obviously doesn't want. For instance, he hasn't had a pacifier since I stopped working back in January. For a short time he would use one when I went back to work because he would not eat or sleep while I was away. Turns out he just didn't want anything except Mommy to nurse him back to sleep, which is how it is now.
  I guess what I'm getting at is that people need to respect the wishes of the parents. If we say Chester doesn't get a certain amount of television time, don't stick him in front of the Lion King three straight times. If we say Chester doesn't get a pacifier, certain foods or drinks by certain ages, just don't do it. Respect the boundaries we have set up for our son because we are his parents and that's how we want things done.

  Now to move to something lighter. Chester will be ONE in November. I couldn't be more terrified and more excited at the same time. I'm terrified because that means he's getting bigger and older and will be exploring more and becoming more independent. I do welcome that independence though, because I want him to learn as much as possible so he can be as bright as possible. I still can't believe almost one year ago, I was blessed with the most amazing gift. I can't express the great feelings we had when we found out we were having a boy. It brings so many thoughts to my mind, but that's for another post entirely.
  So a few minor updates before ending the night. Recently we got a new carrier, because I love baby wearing! We went with an Ergo, as recommended by a friend of mine. She was right, once you go Ergo, you never go back. We absolutely adore our Ergo carrier. We've tried a couple carriers out already, including the Moby. I can tell you by far, the Ergo wins hands down. Be watching for a post about that, I'll be reviewing and comparing the two. We've been getting a few new cloth diapers here and there, so be prepared for a review on the ones we currently have and any I will be looking forward to trying. We are currently bed-sharing and love it. Mom, Dad, Chester and two chihuahuas, we have a full bed. Chester has teeth! He has four, and counting. When Chester does something, he goes for gold. He started crawling and in the matter of just a few days he started standing and pulling himself up on furniture. The other day he stood alone for just a few seconds. I'm going to be so busy with my little man, but I'm going to make sure I stay on top of my blog. I've missed blogging terribly and I'm excited to be back at it.

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