Saturday, August 25, 2012

A day full of fun!

And hopefully a nice, long, full night of sleep!
Chester and Abigail playing at the park/splash pad!
  Today Chester and I had a day full of fun planned out. I assumed Chester would be waking up no later than 10:30 because he's usually up by then. I was wrong, he decided not to get up until almost noon! So I took advantage of the time that I was awake and he was asleep and put together our picnic "basket" for the day. It was nothing special, just some peanut butter and jelly, Cheetos, water and tea. After I put the picnic together Chester decided he was going to wake up. So I changed him out of his super adorable cow print cloth diaper into an orange one. I did my usual morning routine, let Chester play with his toys, check my email and since giveaways were recently posted, I took a look at a couple of those as well. So of course when you put a clean diaper on the baby, that's when they decide they want to dirty it up really fast. Lucky me, I got to change him again! That's alright, he was ready for the day, I got his diaper bag packed and ready to go, then got myself ready. Slowly, I might add. Chester has been super clingy lately, so anytime I try to change, do dishes or cook, he always crawls up to my legs, stands up and wants me to hold him. So it takes a while to get things done. Finally we were out the door and headed to pick Cristina and Abigail up. As soon as I got to Cristina's house, Abigail ran out the door screaming, "AUNT KATIE!!!" She gets extremely excited to see me. She was ready for the splash pad. First we had our fun little picnic, but the whole time Abigail had only one thing on her mind. She was extremely anxious to get to the water and play, so I tried to eat quickly. After cleaning up from the picnic, we went over and Abigail ran straight for the water. I stood out in the sun a bit talking to Cristina, then decided to take Chester on in. I had him in a GroVia shell without the insert and it works perfectly for a swim diaper. Chester LOVES the water so much! Anytime we have a cup of water, he always wants to put his hands in it. He loves splashing in the bathtub and I've caught him a couple of times playing in the toiled. Disgusting, I know! He also loves to play in the dogs' water bowl as well. So we played in the water for a while until I felt it got a bit cool for Chester. After that we headed over to the park for Abigail to run some of her energy off. We took a few photos, chatted a while, sun bathed then called it a day. With two kids, this process takes a lot longer than it sounds! So we decided to come back to my place and watch Lion King 2. I think Cristina was the most excited about this movie because she had never watched the entire thing. So we lounged around a while and let the kids play until it was time for them to go home. It's pretty amazing how much Abigail and Chester love to play together and how much fun they have considering their age difference. Abigail is four years and Chester is not quite a year and they still love the company of each other. Abigail loves her "baby Chester" and always enjoys seeing him. I think they'll grow up to be great friends and a great duo. We really just better watch out because I can see all the mischief they will be getting into.
Chester and Craig at the drive-in!
Chester taking a boob snack break!
  After taking Abigail and Cristina home, Chester had to lay down and nap, even though it wasn't a very long nap. Poor Chester was so exhausted and tired from the day he already had. Our day wasn't quite over with though, because we were headed off to the drive-in with Craig to have a fun family night. I packed some water, (we always have to have our water with us) tea and brownies that I made specifically for our evening. Once we got there, we sat around just relaxing, let Chester play in the grass a bit and of course he had to take a break to have a boob snack. Around nine or so, the first movie, Paranorman came on. It was a funny little claymation movie that had zombies and ghosts in it. I won't go into detail about the movie, just in case anyone wants to see it. In between movies Chester got pretty fussy, which was understandable, he had already had a really long day. So I nursed him and he fell asleep and stayed asleep pretty much through the entire second movie, which was The Borne Legacy. I was surprised I stayed awake through that entire movie, because I was pretty tired myself and Chester was making sleeping look really dang good! The night was perfect for the drive-in, it wasn't too hot or cold, the sky was pretty much clear and it was just beautiful. We ended our really long, fun filled day out perfectly- under the stars as a family.
Chester at the drive-in!
  Chester really loves being outdoors, I can tell this already. Anytime he is fussy and I can't seem to get him to take a nap or calm down, I put him in the Ergo and take a walk. There's so much to see outside and it's always something new to look at. He seems to laugh and carry on when he's outside too. He's just so interested in everything around him and wants to soak it all up. I'm so glad he loves the outdoors and I hope he always does. It'll be a lot more fun for him once he can walk around and be a little more independent. I think we'll do a lot more outdoor activities then. We already take plenty of walks and I love taking him to the park. He's a boy, so I'm sure he's going to always love being outside and exploring. I'm so excited to see the person he's going to grow into. He's already just this amazing little guy and I'm so lucky to be his Mommy. I can't believe he is going to be one in just a couple of months. Thinking about how fast he's growing up just makes me want to go snuggle him and enjoy this time, so on that note, I think it's time to step away from the computer and go cuddle with him in bed. Hopefully he won't be a bed hog tonight. I love bed sharing, but gosh, Chester just takes up so much of the bed space!

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