Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The truck that started it all.

So after yesterday's events, it kind of inspired me to start a blog. Just kind of a fun way to share things that go on in my life with friends, family, and those who need a good laugh, or cry in some cases. I used to write in high school, so I'm hoping this will get me back to it. Before I go into what happened yesterday, I want to write a brief bio about me.

I'm Katie Fender, 22. I'm married [Dec. 2009] to Craig. We have a beautiful bouncing baby boy, Chester. We also have to chihuahuas, Dora and Diego. Yes, go ahead and laugh at the names. Dora was a Christmas present and Diego, well, he was too cute to NOT take home. I've always known what I wanted, and usually how to go about getting it. We plan out everything we decide. Our wedding, though we had a short time to get it done, had lots of planning done. Deciding to get pregnant, that was one thing we discussed, and decided the perfect time-frame to start trying. We had our baby boy, November 2011. As my friends and family [should] know, I'm very against RIC. [routine infant circumcision] It's barbaric and it's mutilating a perfectly healthy baby boy. I won't get too much into that right now, however. Not because I don't want to talk about it, because I do. I just want to save that for another post. I can't think of too much else to say about myself. I really don't like to talk too much about myself anyway, I don't want people to get bored. Haha.

So, onto the point of this post. What prompted me to start a blog in the first place.
My sister [17] is going to her first prom this year. I took her to a mall, bigger than the one in our town, about 45 minutes or so away. We had a great day, the three of us. [Myself, her and Chester] She tried on several dresses and picked her favorite, a beautiful, bright pink number, that showed some skin on her back. She looked like a barbie with her blond hair. Before leaving we stopped to eat at Johnny Rocket's [delicious] and changed a dirty diaper, then headed to the car. First, I'd like to say, I already have such a Mommy-brain. I sat my water on the top of my car, and forgot about it. When I drove away, I heard it fall. It scared the snot out of me and my sister. We then headed to Babies "R" Us, and carded the crap out of that place. [Carding is when we [intactivists] place circumcision information cards in baby stores, or baby areas of stores. Just the boy's and maternity sections though.] Afterwards, we stopped by the gas station to get a Pepsi, and were ready for the trek home. Of course after having a baby I've been more cautious and attentive on the roads. Not that I wasn't before, but I am more-so now. Everyone knows the left lane is for passing cars, and I was doing just that. I wasn't able to move into the right lane just quite, when it turned into a three lane. A huge Dodge truck was being very impatient and speeding like a maniac. He cut over to the far right lane, passed a few cars, and cut me off to get in my lane. He obviously did not like this so much. He break checked me [YES! On the highway where speeds are between 60 and 70mph]. This was the most terrifying experience of my life. Of course when I was going into labor, I couldn't imagine squeezing something that huge out. This was significantly worse than that, and a lot more painful. I was forced to pull off the road, and the jerk just flipped me off and drove on. Now, I have a Volkswagen Beetle. Could you imagine going about 65mph, having a Dodge Ram break checking you to the point of pulling off the road? He slowed down that much. Imagine if you will, my tiny Beetle slamming into the back of that Ram, and whatever car behind me, slamming into me. It would have turned out only one way, and that would have been three innocent lives lost in a horrific traffic accident. So there we were, sitting in my car, as others whistled past. I was HYSTERICAL, I couldn't believe what had just happened to me. First, I was pissed. I yelled out my window [which I knew wouldn't do anything] telling the idiot I had a baby in the car. Next, I bitched like anyone would do. Then finally; I cried hysterically, threw my seat belt off, stretched in the back seat -where my perfect baby boy was sleeping and cried, putting my face close to his. I kissed him and [half] hugged him [because the position was awkward] and sobbed. I told him how I loved him with all my heart, and how I promised I would keep him safe, with everything I have. After realizing we were still on the highway, I mustered up my strength and returned to my seat. Still sobbing, and now shaking, I had to sit a while longer. Finally, I was ready [for the most part] to get back onto the highway. I still felt ill, I don't know if I should have been driving. I felt sick to my stomach, and was having a panic attack. Unfortunately, my sister doesn't have her license, so I was forced to continue driving. Had we been closer to home, I could have seen myself letting her take the drivers seat. The whole way home, I took turns between sobbing, and being extremely pissed, yelling out profanity. The one thing that absolutely terrified me, was that if I hadn't been able to stop and pull to the side of the road, my husband would now be without me and his son. He would have lost all [except our dogs] of his family, and what for? Some asshole in a big truck thinking he owns the road, thinking everyone owes him something? How could you do that to someone. Even if he didn't know there was a baby in the car [I have a 'baby on board' sign] that's still something you shouldn't do. It put things into perspective for me though. I know now that people are selfish, and self-centered. Nobody cares about you or your family, except your own. Nobody cares for your well-being. If he had killed us because of a crash, would he feel guilty, or blame it on me. I know I couldn't carry that kind of guilt. It wouldn't have been a big deal, had it been just me. We're talking about a 4 month old, and a 17 year old. Both minors. If he had killed us, would he pay the price. Even if he did, he would still be allowed to say goodbye to his family, his friends. We wouldn't have had that chance to. This really opened up my eyes, and my heart. Knowing that in the blink of an eye, everything could be taken away. What would I have left the people in my life thinking. Would my family say I was a good daughter, sister, niece, granddaughter, mother, wife? What would my husband have said about me?

After the ordeal, all I want to do, is spend every available waking minute with my family. I want them all to know I love them with all my heart, and appreciate everything they do for me. If you're reading this, I love all  of you. I hope I show it as often as I should. To any one else reading this, hold your babies close. Show your loved ones you really do care. Life is too short to waste. I know I have a new appreciation for my family and friends.


1 comment:

  1. This is truly a very touching storyln how some inpatient driver could have taken so much from so many.Is being in that kind of rush really worth ending lives???Think about it thenexttime you are angry with someone going the speed limit !!!!
