Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Trip to the zoo, and breastfeeding in public.

  So yesterday, Tuesday, March 20, 2012 [I realize this is "technically" written on Thursday, but it's still Wednesday to me until I fall asleep.] we went to the zoo. I was so excited to get Chester out of the apartment and out into the world. The park just wasn't cutting it for me anymore. We got up, got gas in the car, went to the bank, grabbed a quick bite to eat, got the oil changed, and we were finally on our way. It was only a little more than an hour drive, which I was patient enough for. Chester was a good baby and slept the entire way there, so that was another plus. He had nursed before we left, so he would be fine for 3-5 hours. He has is own schedule of when he eats, so I follow his lead. It was such a nice day! Not too hot, just perfect. I was excited to see the giraffes, since they're my favorite animal. They're such gorgeous creatures. I can't get enough of them. We started off at the "Oceans" area because that was the first as you entered the zoo. We saw the coolest, and cutest sea horses! We didn't go to the dolphin show, however. It's pretty much the same every time, and we really didn't have time to waste. Not that I don't like dolphins, because I do. I just wanted to make sure there was enough time for me to have extra when it came to the giraffes. Already, it was snack time. We stopped at the cafe for a hot dog and continued to the "forests" area, they only had one bear in the exhibit, which made me sad. He must have been lonely, sitting there all day by himself. My husband decided it would be best to go from the indoor exhibits to the outdoor, since we had Chester with us, and we could cool off after being out in the sun. Next was the "deserts" and of course the snakes were in there. Have I mentioned, I HATE SNAKES? Well I do, they're gross and creepy.

  After that, we noticed on the map there was a "Nursing Moms nest" and this sparked our interest, because we figured once Chester got hungry, this would be the perfect place to go. We searched for it, with no luck finding it, so we asked an employee who was running the nearby carousel. Here's how the conversation went [as best as I can remember]; "Hi, I was wondering where your breastfeeding area was." "It's going to be right behind us, but it's not finished yet. All we have right now are the bathrooms." WAIT! What did she just say? I was furious. I turned around and walked away mumbling about how I REFUSE to feed my baby in the bathroom. It's not like I sit with my boob hanging out for the world to see. I shouldn't have to hide in the bathroom. I mean, I wouldn't eat my lunch in the bathroom, and I feel it's the same exact thing. Asking a mother to nurse her child in the bathroom is just wrong. To credit her, she might have thought I was looking for a private place where I could be alone. If that's what she had meant, she should have said it as such; "If you're looking for some place private, we have the bathrooms. If you don't mind nursing out in the open, feel free to do so, wherever." The way she said it implied I should go nurse in the bathroom. I'm not asking for special treatment as a nursing mother, just fair treatment. Formula fed babies can eat wherever they so choose, what's the difference? Before you jump on my case saying the difference is, the mother doesn't have to expose herself, I don't expose myself either. I've found a genius way to show pretty much no skin. I wear a thin tank top with a bigger one over. I open up my nursing bra, pull the tank top underneath down, and pull the other one up a bit. Once he's latched on, I pull the outer tank top down and around so nothing shows.

  I've struggled with breastfeeding from the beginning. I wanted to give up more than anything, I wanted to take the less painful way out. I stuck to my guns, and am proud to still be breastfeeding. I also struggled with breastfeeding in public. With the wrong company, I still do. I shouldn't have to feel ashamed to nurse my baby in public. It's wrong of society to make me feel this way. I wish other people who are with me, wouldn't get embarrassed if I sit down and nurse right where I am. You can't really compare this to other things that are "natural" either. Just because peeing is "natural" it's not the same as nursing. Nursing a baby is how that baby survives. It's not a mother trying to "make a statement" or see how much she can get away with. It's a mother doing what she's supposed to do. Giving her child their next meal, and make sure they get it when they need/want it. After that encounter, I was ready to move on, look at the rest of the animals with my family, and go. I wasn't having a bad time, I was just not looking for anymore human interaction. 

  Finally, the time had come to go to the "plains" exhibit! I couldn't be more excited, and by that time I had forgotten all about the woman.  I tried to calm myself and enjoy the other animals, and take my time. When we reached the giraffes, I'm sure my eyes lit up like a dog in a doggy toy store. We spent what seemed like forever at the giraffes. Some crazy women were there trying to coax them over towards us, but they didn't care much for their craziness. After the women moved out of my way I snapped more than enough pictures. We got a few of me and Chester in front of them, and a kind woman took one of all three of us. The giraffes moved a little closer than before too, so I snapped even more pictures. We went through the rest of the "plains" taking pictures, laughing, and having a good time.

  It was almost closing time for the zoo. So we were rushing back so we could hit up the gift store and leave. By this time Chester was getting hungry and there was no place to really rest and feed him. So we quickly got what we wanted from the gift shop and headed to the car. We put all of our belonging away, and sat in the AC for a while so all of us could cool down. Every time Chester latches on, he begins to sweat, and that's just sitting inside with our AC on. I had to give him a chance to cool down before he got too hot. So we're waiting for the car to get nice and icy cool. On both sides of our car, there were two vans belonging to the same people. They were having their snack, and loading up. I noticed towards the left front of our car, one young man just staring into our car. It was extremely awkward because I was about to start nursing, and it's uncomfortable for me if people just stand and stare.I'm not quite sure what's so fascinating about a woman feeding her child. I suppose since society has made breasts to be sex symbols, that's what most people these days see it as. When they see a woman breastfeeding, they don't see her nurturing her young, giving him life. They see a woman with a baby on her boob. This really disgusts me, and it doesn't "come with the territory" either. We aren't asking people to stare at us like freaks because we're breastfeeding. We chose the healthiest, greatest option to nurture our babies, and people should respect that.

  I want to leave people with the mindset, that next time you see a woman breastfeeding her child; don't stop and stare, don't give her dirty looks, and DO NOT ask her to go elsewhere to feed her child. You wouldn't want to get up and move in the middle of your meal, don't ask a poor innocent child to either.


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